we are the

moving support

The Moving Support Project is a completely volunteer-run group helping formerly unhoused New Yorkers feel at home in their new spaces. Since 2020, our dedicated team of volunteers has worked together to source, secure, and deliver furniture to families and individuals across the city. We are a mutual aid group, relying only on the generosity of our community for furniture, funds, and people power to accomplish our moves. We need volunteers of all capacities to make our moves happen!


Established in 2020, The Moving Support Project helps formerly unhoused people secure furniture to turn their newly-secured housing into real homes. The Project started as a response to a request from New Alternatives for LGBTQ+ Homeless Youth, and we have been expanding to provide moving support to other individuals as well


The Moving Support Project helps formerly unhoused people secure furniture to make their new space into a real home. We work with people who have finally secured housing to determine what they want from their new home, and then acquire furnishings to fulfill their wishlists

We secure furniture that ranges from couches and beds to blenders and blankets. We pay attention to movee’s desired style of furniture, and coordinate with people willing to donate their items. On move days, a group of volunteers mobilizes to drive a 14-ft truck around the city, pick up furniture, bring it to the new home, and help organize the space. Check out our past moves to see some of what we’ve accomplished so far!


Our project requires different types and levels of support, both in-person and behind the scenes. To make each move a success, we need:

An expert communicator who keeps everyone helping with the move in sync

STRENGTHS: collaborating with a team, understanding people’s needs and spaces, building relationships


A scheduling savant who keeps each move on-task and delegates to other volunteers

STRENGTHS: coordinating logistics, time management, planning and sharing details

project manager

The researchers extraordinaire with a knack for finding hidden gems. A good first step for new volunteers who can help virtually

STRENGTHS: deep dives online, email communication, quality control



The movers and shakers that bring everything together. Another great entry point to help and learn if you are ready to hit the ground running. (Bonus points if you can drive a box truck!)

STRENGTHS: teamwork, furniture assembly, heavy lifting

Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Get in touch with us to get started!